Pastor’s Corner


March 2020

“Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.”

Matthew 5:5 NIV

It was during one of the Sundays in November of 2016 that I shared a message entitled “Love is not Rude”. I felt, at that time, that we (the church) needed a strong reminder to be mindful of our Christian witness during a very divisive and vitriolic election period – lest we contribute to our own decline and irrelevance! This year, 2020, we enter another round of the ‘election brouhaha’… maybe a reminder towards Christ-like meekness will be both appropriate and timely.

The word “meekness” (mansuetus” in Latin; “prautes” in Greek) was associated with the process of taming wild beasts of burden and curbing the aggressiveness of a wild, bucking stallion. By training an instinctually aggressive force, meekness actually describes a tamed aggressive horse. The opposite of that is uncontrolled aggressiveness that is rooted in an inflated ego that lashes out when hurt! The opposite of meekness is to weigh in on every controversy at every opportunity while provoking others in endless confrontation! Meekness wisely cools the heat of passion and controls the untamable tongue! Meekness is strength under control!

Let’s be the meek person – gentle, proper and measured in our actions and reactions (including, and especially, on our social media posts, reposts, ‘likes’ and comments!) Let’s reclaim our place in the healthy, democratic and public discourse! There is always room for free and healthy dialogue in our political spectrum.

The question to constantly ask ourselves this election season: As Christ-following Americans, are we conducting ourselves with Christ-like meekness and winsomeness in a manner that exalts Jesus and advances the Gospel?

Let Christ be exalted, His Gospel be proclaimed and His Kingdom be expanded as we engage with our culture with winsome meekness!


Pastor Vino

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