WIN-Seattle celebrates it’s 24th Anniversary with the theme:
To Know Christ and To Make Him Known
Our purpose in life is to know Christ… Our mission is to make Him known.
It’s often said, “We must know Him, not merely know about Him”. It’s possible to have a collection of facts about Jesus and even have sound theology about Him… but if this knowledge and theology does not transform our lives, order our priorities and make us more like Christ daily – then it really has little or no value at all! Having a growing, dynamic and intimate relationship with Jesus is essential to our Christian life – it’s our main purpose!
A true disciple is someone who KNOWS JESUS and SHOWS JESUS!
Equally essential to Christianity is “mission”. Jesus’ life, death and resurrection modeled for us a life on mission. Whether at work, at play or at home… in church, in school or in the marketplace – whatever we do, we desire to accomplish the mission of making disciples of Jesus Christ and proclaiming Him to everyone, everywhere, everytime! A life that unapologetically shares the Gospel and lives as a witness to it’s saving power! Thus, our mission: “to make Him known”!
Dawson Trotman, founder of THE NAVIGATORS, sums up the Christian life and our church family’s challenge for our 24th church anniversary: “To know Christ and to make Him known”. It is about deepening our relationship with Jesus translating to a life that proclaims Him and invites others to a transformative life in Him.
Pastor’s Corner
24th Anniversary Bulletin
October 2023
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