Our HOPE is Secure

We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure. (Heb. 6:19)

As Christ-followers, we are not exempt from the sorrow and sufferings of the world. We know this already… the Lord makes the sun shine and the rain fall both on the righteous and the unrighteous… we all go through it! So what difference does it make?

This is where Hope comes in – the difference lies with OUR HOPE! Because of Jesus’ resurrection – the grave and death are no longer enemies to be feared! Hope becomes the sure and steadfast anchor for the soul. Just as an anchor holds the ship securely through the tides and the storms, our hope in Christ secures our future no matter how the winds and the waves buffet our faith today. The trouble we are facing today doesn’t exempt us from current pain… the road ahead is full of twists and turns -change and turbulence are a given- but Hope in Christ is the unchanging security that stabilizes our walk and gives motivation to press on forward.

  • What area of your life needs to experience a touch of Jesus’ hope today?
  • Who do you know needs a word of encouragement regarding hope?
  • What fears/doubts do you need to acknowledge in light of the Hope of Christ?

Hold on in Hope – hold on to Christ!

Pastor Vino Atienza

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