Of course, there are more than three ways, but here are three ways I’ve seen families do (including my own family!) to keep Christ in their Christmas celebrations… 

Prayer. Bible. Church… while the world gets busy with the commercialism and consumerism of the season, make sure your household keeps these Christ-honoring traditions intact. No matter how awkward it gets, read the Christmas Story from the source (The Bible), say a family prayer (not just for the food!) and worship together in church! I’ve even heard of families with traditions of volunteering in community service events or caroling in another part of town! The shopping, exchange gifts, parties and decorations are not bad… just more difficult to connect to Christ – He’s the Reason for the Season!   

God so loved the world that He GAVE!… Christmas generosity started with God (not in the North Pole!). Go out of your way to plan on giving to a worthy cause this Christmas. Let the Husband/Wife plan and decide with the kids… then let everyone contribute! (no matter how much!). Whether it’s to allow the less fortunate to celebrate Christmas too or to support the local food bank or your family’s favorite charity or church activity… the point is to teach every member of your household the priority of giving. Give for goodness sake! Give in the Name of Jesus!

Not only on the outside, but especially inside your home… let it all be centered on Christ! Let it open up gospel-conversations with your neighbors, visitors and holiday guests. Let every piece of decor have a small Christ-connected line you can say when asked or complemented about it. From the star to the gifts, the manger scene, the light display and the ornaments and even the kind of music you play!… Let anything and everything “christmasy” point and lead them to say “Christ is in that home!” . Paul told Timothy “Preach the Word; be prepared in season and out of season.” (2 Tim.4:2)

Pastor Vino Atienza

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