The Camel thru the Eye of the Needle

“Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than

for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.”  (Matthew 19:24) 

The rich young ruler sincerely wanted to know what else he needed for eternal life. We  know from the rest of the gospel story that he went away sad and disappointed. Even as, Matthew’s narration says, he was obedient and devout even when he was a boy!

Bible scholars have debated Jesus’ intention during this encounter and Matthew’s purpose for narrating it. Moreover, they were debating what really was “the eye of the needle” and why does a camel pass through it?! Was that really a problem? What does it mean?

The problem wasn’t the eye or the needle or the camel or the riches!… lest we get off-track! The real issue was that the young ruler wasn’t ready to give up all his riches to follow Jesus! His attachment to his great wealth made it difficult to let go!

So, what is your “camel thru eye-of-needle” dilemma? That thing you can’t quite give up for Jesus?… That attachment that hinders full obedience & surrender to God’s lordship?

The sooner you identify it, the sooner you can ask the Holy Spirit to help you develop a healthy detachment to it! In Christ, an open hand accompanies an open heart – fully surrendered, fully obedient, fully committed! Here’s a good prayer for this week…

“Lord of My Life, remind me to always be prepared to give up anything You’ve given me in favor of Your blessing and Your direction. Help me to trust that what You have in store for me is far better than what I have planned out for myself. I praise you Name, Jesus. Amen.”

Pastor Vino

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