Sunday Word

Pastor’s Corner

July 2022

Purpose in Pain

“For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all.” (2 Cor. 4:17 NIV)

We all have to admit… anxiety can sometimes be overwhelming

If not handled properly, that debilitating stress can result in crippling panic or paralyzing fear! Severe anxiety is a sure sign of poor mental health and should not just be acknowledged but addressed seriously.

That said, we also learn that we can trust that God has a purpose for that emotional turmoil. God is not the source of our anxiety, but He does allow it to shape us and allow us to trust in His transforming power! It sounds counterintuitive, but our pain is actually one of the greatest signs that God loves us – they point us toJesus!… His help and his mercy.

It teaches us that when we move beyond the comfort, health, and wealth, we get to know the “man of sorrows” Himself, Jesus! His sacrifice on the cross transforms the way we, as Christ-followers think of some of our pain and suffering.

What are you trying to change/develop in me, Lord? How is this pain preparing me for eternity? How will this be used as a blessing to others and myself?

The answers to those questions begin to see how even our anxieties can be used for our good.

It is in those moments that we begin to understand the everlasting value of our pain as it prepares us for an eternal glory. Think well – Trust God!

Pastor Vino

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