Many understand the idea of GIVING AN OFFERING at church… the envelopes for our checks, a box for collecting and a time allotted for giving… all familiar, right? It’s an acknowledgement of God’s blessings upon us and our commitment to His ministry… an integral part of our worship and a way to open us up to God’s favor and mercy – It’s even a good antidote to materialism!

While most understand giving, many still need help with the idea of OFFERING OURSELVES to God…. further than that, we need to understand “offering ourselves as a LIVING SACRIFICE!”

Rom.12:1 says Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship.’

A known womanizer spoke to his pastor… “You know, pastor, everyone thinks I’m this immoral, ungodly womanizer who doesn’t have values… the truth is I do… I never sleep with anyone w/in 50 miles of my home!”  – he has values alright, but limited to a 50-mile radius! He’s NOT all in!

“ALL IN” is not just the commitment and willingness to DIE for SOMETHING (although that IS a sure sign of it!)… but it involves the RESOLVE to LIVE for SOMETHING (or Someone!). To “Offer Up Ourselves as a Living Sacrifice” is the DAILY DECISION to PLEASE GOD above all and to put a smile upon His face with the way I live!

Are you ALL IN?

Stay fit, stay healthy, stay blessed this week!

Pastor Vino

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