Mindful and Mature Prayers

A few years back, we went through a sermon series on “The Prayer of Jabez” (from 1 Chron.4). We quoted and noted highlights from David Wilkerson’s best-selling book with the same title. It’s a good prayer – “Lord bless me, protect me and keep me from pain”… who wouldn’t want that, right? Yet, if our prayer life is filled with only that… we’re in grave danger!

True Growth, Transformation and Maturity (even in the Christian Life!) INVOLVES some pain, some discomfort and some struggle. I shudder to think what kind of life we’d have if we were totally pain-free, totally free of any discomfort or struggle… We’d all turn out to be spoiled, spineless, short-sighted and shallow whiners! Maybe that’s why they’re called “growing pains”!

We should also take care in praying for benefits like Peace, Patience and Perseverance… ALL of which require difficult people and trying circumstances that challenge and display such virtues!

So what are we to do?… if we pray for no pain, we don’t grow… if we pray for growth, we’ll go through pain… what a dilemma we are in! I look at the apostle Paul as he prays through his pain and declares God’s inspiring promise to him My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” (2 Cor.12:9). It was a MINDFUL and MATURE PRAYER!

I’m encouraging us to Grow in our Prayer Lives!understanding God’s Heart in prayer as opposed to just “uploading information onto God” (as some have mistakenly defined prayer to be). Always mindful of the attitude of our hearts as it connects with God… Seasoning our prayers with God’s Wisdom and God’s Grace!

Have a great week ahead!

Pastor Vino

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